His name was "ah-chuen." At only 22 he had been in and out of prison quite a few times and was addicted to cocaine. You can tell he was quite smart. In the first music lesson, I was teaching but he was giving me an attitude and would cause all sorts of trouble.
After the class, I would try to reach out and love on this young man, he would tell me "you grew up in America, your family must be rich, you've probably never went through any hardships and you're here on the island to play around, you really don't understand what we go through." My response was telling him about life growing up in New York, a big part of it was doing construction work for my dad.
Since I was 8 years old, I would sit on a bucket in the back of my dad's construction van, I would help my him renovate houses, putting up sheetrock, putting down flooring. My dad taught me what hard work was. To be honest, I loved every second of it, but nothing was easy. I said to ah-chuen, imagine leaving your home and starting from zero in an entirely new country as chinese immigrants, facing all sorts of discrimination and obstacles, do you think that was easy? Our family worked hard.
So we prayed for ah chuen. Unknown to him, me and one of the staff members lifted him up in prayer that evening.
The next day, his whole person completely changed. He started focusing and paying attention in class. He was the only student to ask me for the notes and chord charts, he treated the copies of music like it was gold. He would ask "make sure you print out some copies of the music for me before you go."
When we ate lunch, he walked over to me and gave me all the toppings on his bowl of noodles. He said "老師" teacher, you eat first. At that moment, my heart just broke. Within 24 hours, God turned it all around. If you are not a christian, you might say, oh that's just a coincidence, but if you are believer, than you know what I'm talking about. He is the miracle worker, He is the waymaker, He is the promise keeper. Jesus specializes in changing the hearts of people.
At the start of every class, ah-chuen would ask me if I needed help setting up. In the afternoon, he would ask me if I wanted some tea. At night, when had our midnight snack (宵夜), he asked me if I wanted some fried instant noodles. He told me to just sit down and that he would cook it for me.
The next day he had to go to court to see his probation officer. I wasn't sure if I would see him again, and I didn't want to leave without praying with and for him. I asked him before he had to go, "ah-chuen" can I pray for you? Very happily, he said "yes I would appreciate that." So I got to lift him up in prayer. He said to me "有缘再见" If it's destined, then we will meet again.
若 有 人 在 基 督 裡 , 他 就 是 新 造 的 人 , 舊 事 已 過 , 都 變 成 新 的 了 。
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation: The old has gone, the new is here!
-2nd Corinthians 5:17